
Pro-Hitler .@SCOTUS

  If the SCOTUS thinks that a president should have unlimited powers, and no laws should contain his behavior... this is the only outcome.  The supreme court should be careful letting the president do whatever they want. Attacking the capitol with terrorists is a small step towards concentration camps and beyond.  You cannot just let leaders do whatever they want, or we will repeat history. Just for the record - America has had concentration camps for Japanese Americans already... so these things are already on the books; it wouldn't be hard to start them back up.


#Israel/#Gaza - #FMABrotherhood - War of Extermination parallel

#antisemitism - tired of it being #news.

.@X (Formally #Twitter) #WARNING

#Tolerance - I #Hate you.

#China: leading cause of death under 40.

Assassin Nate - #YouTube

#Discord placeholder

#Twitch Streaming working

#X ... #prostitutes and #kids

#Drawings - things I made.

#Dog Stuff

Economics and Immigration; #vote2024

Sioux Falls

#mepbm - middle earth play by mail

Secrets of Grindea

#BG3 tactician - Dark Urge Druid - The Battles

#OBS and #BG3 test

#Terror and #AggressiveWar


#seed notes

#BarbarousKing #Barb

